Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How does one share their life story in a small blog in a few short paragraphs??? Answer=IMPOSSIBLE

I have already shared little bits of it in pictures since I'm still trying to find all the words to put it all together. Someday there will be a book I promise but it will probably be years maybe decades before that ever happens!!!

The beginning is pretty easy...I was born to my wonderful parents, raised in a good CHRISTIAN home, went to a great bible-believing/preaching church, attended a christian school for THIRTEEN years,

..........and then life really began.

After graduating high school I prepared myself to go to a small college and when I say small I mean like the whole college would make up one class at Harvard!!!!

So I was ready to start this new journey in my adult life. I was going to be a great nurse someday and thought I had it all figured out!!! Boy. Was. I. Wrong.

Two full time jobs, one in retail (which is something I hope to never have to do again) and one to further my career in the medical field, and a full time student. Life was great!

The first month of school went by and I loved it all but one class but I figured I would get the hang of it sooner or later. Work was great! There was only one thing in my small life that wasn't going as promised to me! A boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of this person will stay confidential for his sake.

He promised me everything, the works. "Just do your two years of college and as soon as I graduate we will get married. We will move and I will start my career and you can start the nursing program and we will live happily ever after" is what he said to me for FOUR years. Well I started college and he only had two years left of his college experience and everything was falling apart! "Oh just wait for me", "Everything will change", I heard those words way to often. But what about me? What about what I wanted? Those questions were never asked.

So on a warm day in September, on my way to school for an evening class, in a long drawn out conversation on the phone I brought my questions to the table. They weren't taken very well I assure you. So with tears in my eyes and regret in my voice (at the time of course) I ended a four year on and off relationship. Oh and don't let me forget to tell you that years later I found out that in that four year relationship there were so many lies that had been kept from me that I didn't see coming!!!!

Let me tell you I was crushed, heart-broken. In my mind there was nothing better out there but this didn't make me happy either so I guess I would just be alone forever. Well I have a God better than that. One Who knows every little detail that will happen in my life. So i gave it to my God and told Him to teach me to be patient for whatever He had in store for me.

As we all know God works in His own time. So I pretty much had it in my mind that I could me be waiting for many years if that was what He wanted.

Well I am happy to tell you that it didn't take years or months not even weeks. Not even one whole week later I met him, the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, PRINCE CHARMING IN COMBAT BOOTS!!!!!!!

As I said before I had this great church that I went to and so did pretty much ALL the marines stationed at the marine base thirty minutes away. Trust me I'm not exaggerating, just ask any girl that ever went to the church!!!

So it was a peaceful Sunday evening and I snuck into the service a little late because of the retail job. It was a special service that evening with a great missionary presentation and good preaching. During the service my sweet mother kept looking at this guy. She said we had the same features and she thought he was so cute, which of course he was but that wasn't the point. After the service my mom kept saying go introduce yourself, I need a "new" marine son to take care of ( the current one was serving in iraq). I just shrugged it off and said no only because I was so scared to go up to him alone being the little innocent one I was!!! *sarcasm* Oh I better not forget to mention that a sunday pior to this my dearest oldest friend tried to introduce me to this same guy. What was so special about him? Gosh he's just another guy!

Apprently he had been paying attention to me without me even knowing because that same evening we were both on our way to our vehicles,which happened to parked right next to each other, TOTAL COINSODENCE and as I was putting my things in my car I heard a low deep voice...........

Come back tomorrow for more of my little life story.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, I KNOW what's going to happen, but I want more of the story! Love you, and I'm so glad you're writing this out.

    the one who tried to introduce you the week before, but you just wouldn't listen! ;)
