Thursday, April 21, 2011


Life is about change right???......well of course it is! Do we always like change????.....probably not!!!!!

Over the last 5 1/2 years my life has brought lots of change. Actually my entire life has had lots of change now that I think about it.

But something has "changed" through all this current change.

I have never been good with change and have always tried to resist it. I think that is how most of us are programmed. We like security and stability. (at least i do)

To elaborate a little......when I was a little girl anytime we went on a trip or someone came to visit I would get so worked up and excited and nervous I would get sick. As I got older it turned into anger or being weepy and I wanted the attention.

A good example is when my sister came to live with us. I truly despised her and wanted nothing to do with her. I became very angry and emotional and clingy to my mom since she now wasn't giving all her attention to me! Very selfish I know but my life had also been turned upside down along with everyone else and this was my way of coping with it. The older I've gotten the worse it has become.

Losing my husband was what pushed me over the edge. I did not know how to cope with that "change" and didn't seek guidance as to how I should deal with such a loss. All I knew to do was be angry, bitter, deeply sad and hurt, and bury it deep inside my soul. In doing all of those things the last five years I hurt many and myself. I have missed out on so much in life. It has taken almost losing my family(will give details in upcoming posts) to finally realize all of this.

In this last year of my life I have come to the realization that change is necessary for growth. The problem is that most of us don't look at change this way. We look at it as a wall to our happiness instead of a bridge to bliss.

I have always disliked people critiquing me and correcting me when wrong. Through counseling and personal development and my gracious Jesus I am now embracing it. I need those things to grow and better myself. I need life coaches that will be honest even when it hurts.

This is the new me.....I am learning to love who I am becoming. I am actually happy with the person inside me and excited where life is going.

I LOVE the changes right now because it means something new and fresh is on the horizon.

Change is what life is really about but what we do with it is even more important.

If you are going through adversity right now I'm excited for you!!!! Why you ask??? Because it shows the world what you are made of!!

Most people wonder "who is this woman now??" I am Rhena Noel Frounfelker! I am the wife to an amazing husband who is patient and loving when I don't deserve it, one who fights for our freedom in this country and in our home, I am a mommy to a beautiful, smart, imaginitve little angel who has showed me life is full of hope and love, she brings the best out of me and encourages me to be a better follower of my Jesus, and last but certainly not least I am one who is trying to make a difference in others lives in every way possible.
I love the woman I am becoming....and.....that my a HUGE accomplishment!!! I no longer will be taken advantage of, hurt, abused(emotionally), or be wronged by any human being......doesn't mean people won't try but they WILL NOT succeed!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...amen! So thankful to see this beautiful work taking place in you! : )
