Thursday, April 21, 2011


Life is about change right???......well of course it is! Do we always like change????.....probably not!!!!!

Over the last 5 1/2 years my life has brought lots of change. Actually my entire life has had lots of change now that I think about it.

But something has "changed" through all this current change.

I have never been good with change and have always tried to resist it. I think that is how most of us are programmed. We like security and stability. (at least i do)

To elaborate a little......when I was a little girl anytime we went on a trip or someone came to visit I would get so worked up and excited and nervous I would get sick. As I got older it turned into anger or being weepy and I wanted the attention.

A good example is when my sister came to live with us. I truly despised her and wanted nothing to do with her. I became very angry and emotional and clingy to my mom since she now wasn't giving all her attention to me! Very selfish I know but my life had also been turned upside down along with everyone else and this was my way of coping with it. The older I've gotten the worse it has become.

Losing my husband was what pushed me over the edge. I did not know how to cope with that "change" and didn't seek guidance as to how I should deal with such a loss. All I knew to do was be angry, bitter, deeply sad and hurt, and bury it deep inside my soul. In doing all of those things the last five years I hurt many and myself. I have missed out on so much in life. It has taken almost losing my family(will give details in upcoming posts) to finally realize all of this.

In this last year of my life I have come to the realization that change is necessary for growth. The problem is that most of us don't look at change this way. We look at it as a wall to our happiness instead of a bridge to bliss.

I have always disliked people critiquing me and correcting me when wrong. Through counseling and personal development and my gracious Jesus I am now embracing it. I need those things to grow and better myself. I need life coaches that will be honest even when it hurts.

This is the new me.....I am learning to love who I am becoming. I am actually happy with the person inside me and excited where life is going.

I LOVE the changes right now because it means something new and fresh is on the horizon.

Change is what life is really about but what we do with it is even more important.

If you are going through adversity right now I'm excited for you!!!! Why you ask??? Because it shows the world what you are made of!!

Most people wonder "who is this woman now??" I am Rhena Noel Frounfelker! I am the wife to an amazing husband who is patient and loving when I don't deserve it, one who fights for our freedom in this country and in our home, I am a mommy to a beautiful, smart, imaginitve little angel who has showed me life is full of hope and love, she brings the best out of me and encourages me to be a better follower of my Jesus, and last but certainly not least I am one who is trying to make a difference in others lives in every way possible.
I love the woman I am becoming....and.....that my a HUGE accomplishment!!! I no longer will be taken advantage of, hurt, abused(emotionally), or be wronged by any human being......doesn't mean people won't try but they WILL NOT succeed!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Part 17

After a week of being in paradise we had to come back to reality!

Tom went back to work a few days after we got home and I settled into be a 'wife' again.

It was exciting yet scary being a wife again.......I had a lot of memories start coming back and I worried every day and still do by the way, that he wouldn't be coming home.

On that note.....because of everything that had happened to me already Tom and I had decided that we weren't going to wait to start a family. We wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible!

In our minds we figured it would take a few months because that seemed to be how it is for most people.

Well 28 days later was the beginning of a HUGE new chapter in both of our lives!


I had my annual Dr.'s appointment that day and when asked if I could be pregnant I said yes and then was offered a pregnancy test. I declined because I didn't want to be let down in front of anyone and because I figured it was too soon to tell. I went home later that day and ended up giving in because my body up to that point had been like clock work when it came to all the "girly" stuff and nothing had happened yet!

So I got a test and did it.....I waited the three forever long minutes in my bathroom.

................."NO" I said out loud...."Its has to be wrong"....."Really?".....

I started crying with excitement and unbelief.

Tom was still at work so I immediately called him.

"Hi, guess what?"


"Well, I took a test came back positive!!!!!"

"What?.....Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!"

"Well maybe you should wait to get all excited until you can go to the Dr. and get one from them."

"Really? That is all you can say?"

So obviously Tom was in shock! He didn't quite respond the way I would have liked him to and at the time it really hurt my feelings that he wasn't as excited as I was!

I went back to the Dr. the next day and did a test.

On my way home I got a call and they said it was negative! I was sooo upset! (I still think they switched my sample with the girl that put hers in next to mine!)

I called Tom crying with the news and he said not to worry about it because it was just the first try!

Yeah whatever!!!!! I went back to walmart and I got four more tests and went home and did them all!

All of mine came back positive!!! I was so confused! How could all of my tests come back positive and their one test come back negative! So I called the Dr.'s office back and told them I wanted a blood test to confirm.

The next day I went back to the doctor's and had blood drawn. They told me the Dr. had up to 72 hours to give me my results so I just had to wait for the phone call.

Really?????? I had to wait up to 72 hours?????? I was going to die!!!!

I called the next day and they didn't have the results yet.....I called the next day and still no results.......

The third day I called and still nothing!!!!!!

That same day it was almost 4:30pm, which is when the Dr. office closed, I was a mess. It was Friday so now I pretty much told myself I was going to have to wait the whole weekend to find out!

4:25pm.......the phone rang! I answered it and to my was the Dr.!!!!!!!!

She said she had my results! The way her voice sounded on the other end didn't sound promising......but........I was told I was definitely PREGNANT!!!!!

She said she had no idea how they got my test wrong in the first place because I was certainly pregnant.

I was about six weeks along!!!!!

So a few days before that i had t-shirts made that said grandma-to-be and grandpa-to-be. That was how we planned to tell our parents.

The only hold up was that we had to send one of them to Ohio to his mom! So now we still had to wait the weekend!

Monday couldn't come fast enough! But it did finally come:)

I have to tell you I think I did a very good job of keeping it a secret! I only told one person besides Tom of course that I was pregnant. I knew she wouldn't tell anyone else and I just had to get it off my chest!

So when Tom got home from work Monday late afternoon we waited for his mom to call us to let us know she had received the package and then we went over to my parents house.

We had Tom's mom on the phone and we handed my parents their boxes. We told them all they could open them.......and surprise your going to be grandparents!!!!!!

They were all thrilled and wanted to know everything:)

We then of course called our siblings and told them. My parents didn't want us to tell the rest of the family til our weekly family night. So the next family night my mom and dad wore their shirts and we surprised the rest of the family!


I would say I was pretty fortunate throughout my pregnancy. I had no morning sickness and no complications.

The nine months went by slow then fast and then slow then fast and well I think you get the point!

We decorated in classic pooh for the nursery. My mom and I painted the room and she painted a mural on the wall of pooh with his friends and a big tree. I loved her nursery sooo much!

I had a huge baby shower and I got lots and lots of fun stuff! My child definitely wasn't wanting for anything!


Kaitlynn Irhena Frounfelker was due Nov. 4th which happened to be election day that year.

The beginning of Oct. I started having contractions but nothing to strong. My doctor released me to fly to Ohio for my sister-in-laws wedding at 36 weeks!!!

When we got back I think we went to labor and delivery like three times and every time they sent us home!

On Oct. 25th we went down to the lower desert for a nice evening together. We went to dinner and window shopping. We had a really good time:)

While we were out I started having some contractions and they were getting stronger through the evening. By the time we got home they were pretty strong. So we went out to L&D, this time I was dilated a little bit more but not enough to stay so we went home again.

Oct. 26th was a Sunday, we stayed home from church to rest and then we went for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. It was my parents anniversary so we met the family for lunch at a restaurant in town. The entire time we were there I was having contractions. Again they were getting stronger. My sister kept count the whole time to see how close together they were.

Once we got home I layed down and I continued to have them. We kept count the rest of the day and evening. I took a nice bath that night and then eventually went back to L&D to get checked. I was dilating more but still not enough. So again we went home. They gave me some tylenol with codine for the pain and to help me sleep comfortable.

It didn't work at all!!!!! I tossed and turned all night!!!! I was in sooo much pain.

Tom had to get up really early that morning to go to work, poor guy. We didn't get home from the hospital that night till close to midnight.

So at about 4:30am or 5:00am I got out of bed and went out to the couch. I was having the worst contractions.....I thought I was going to die!!!!!!!

I finally called my mom, barely able to talk, I told her I needed her to come over and sit with me.

The way I could even get close to handling the pain was to get on my hand and knees and rock back and forth( I know way to much info). When my mom pulled into the driveway she said she could hear me clearly in the driveway!!!! I was in agonizing pain!!!! My poor dog was sitting in the corner of the other couch shaking in fear!!lol she was soo scared!

Once my mom came in the house and saw me she said it was time to go to the hospital. I told her I didn't want to go because they were just going to send me home again. She said not this time they won't trust me!!!!

So we called Tom to have him come home and to our surprise he was already on his way. His work told him he could go back home to get some rest since he had been at the hospital most of night. Haha rest....thats funny...we haven't had rest since that day!!!!lol Just kidding:)

So my mom went and got my dad and granny and then met us back at our house. We loaded up and headed for the hospital. That 30 minute drive seemed like hours.

Every little bump seemed like a crater we went over!!!!

Made it to the hospital in one piece. Walked ALL the way to the elevator and went up to the maturinty floor. They checked me(I was between a 6 & 7), admitted me, broke my water(now realize how unnecessary that was), got a little shot to help me relax for an hour.......OMG that was soooo awesome!!!!

My goal was to not get an epidural no matter what!!!(except an emergency)
Unfortunately that didn't happen.....Once they broke my water my contractions started getting much stronger and my body started to really tense up so I wasn't dilating the way I should have been. So the dr. decided to put me on pitocon. I realized then that I couldn't do it without the epidural. I knew how strong my contractions were going to get and i was so exhausted i couldn't do it. So I was given the epi and within 45 min. I was pushing out our little angel:)

Stay tuned.........

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Wow....I didn't realize how long I have been gone!!!!

Its been two months since I have even logged into my blog!!!

Life has definitely been super busy.....very thankful....but crazy busy!!!

My hubby and I are building a new business and that is taking up most of our time these days:) Then we have a crazy two and a half year old that is keeping us on our toes! Tom is also preparing to leave for army school in July.

Along with all of those things going on there are the daily challenges we all face. Some bigger than others. The last two months have been huge growing months for me and although they have been tough I have appreciated them. I truly believe diversity shows you who you really are.

I'm so thankful I have a husband who is so patient and understanding through everything. He is helping me through probably the toughest things I have faced since my first husband died.

Hopefully soon I will be able to share everything without wanting to start bawling and get heated up inside.

My story will continue shortly....I really want to strive to post once a week. I will do my best to stick to that:)